Free coloring pages for children!

Free coloring pages for children!

Creativity in any of its manifestations has a positive effect on many aspects. When it comes to the timely development of children, then this issue...
Vegetable games and competitions for the holiday

Vegetable games and competitions for the holiday "magic colors of autumn"

Game competition program for primary schoolchildren “Autumn Kaleidoscope” Design. The hall is decorated with colorful autumn leaves. (Music sounds. It turns out...
Rectangle of 4 parts solution

Rectangle of 4 parts solution

“Pentamino” is one of the most popular puzzles in the world, its popularity peaked at the end of the 60s. The game itself was described in detail in the magazine “Science and...
Development of coherent speech in older preschoolers

Development of coherent speech in older preschoolers

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina Chief physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk Reading time: 6 minutes A A Last update of the article: 05/13/2019 Some parents are very...
Games gangnam style Opa gangnam style build play

Games gangnam style Opa gangnam style build play

Category Games for boys - Original title Gangnam Ta Ta Ta2 Since during his singing, Psy prefers to perform his signature dance, not...
Games where you have to run

Games where you have to run

But all the listed entertainment, transferred from the street to your computer monitor, will definitely help. You'll see, you can do the same things in them as on...
Lego Batman shoot down cars game

Lego Batman shoot down cars game

The Lego Batman games became a hit after the release of the movie of the same name. After that, everyone wanted to play superheroes and villains and create them from...
Board game Uno: cards, varieties, additional rules

Board game Uno: cards, varieties, additional rules

Uno is a card board game originally from America that has found fans all over the world. To have fun, you don’t need to explain the rules for a long time, you don’t even need...
Team building games in the office

Team building games in the office

Games for the morning meeting A good group meeting should be akin to a production meeting and be carried out quickly, easily and in a businesslike manner. Exactly...
Rules of playing tennis What are the numbers next to the name in tennis

Rules of playing tennis What are the numbers next to the name in tennis

Tennis is great for forecasting, if only because there are only two possible outcomes of a match. If taken seriously, betting on tennis matches, games,...